Tuesday, February 24, 2009


You Herd it Here

You grow much of your own produce, visit your local farmers' markets for the foods that you can't grow yourself and have even started participating in a food co-op, but you're still left high and dry when it comes to purchasing a decent steak.

Enter Cowpooling, the latest buzz term for the practice under which a group of friends, family or co-workers team up to purchase a whole cow (or steer) from a local farm. The steer is then butchered to order and the various cuts divvied up among all the folks.

So, now that we've got the "what" down, lets take a look at the who, why and, most importantly, how of this whole cowpooling thing!

Currently, the practice is gaining popularity with "locavores," that is, those who choose to practice food sustainability by eating only food from local farms. However, essentially anyone with a few family members of friends (or the ability to find some!) can participate. Another criteria for participation in cowpooling? You really have to like - and more importantly, eat - a lot of meat and have the capacity to store it. Now, we're not talking about having access to a full-scale meat locker, but if you're living in a cramped city apartment with nothing more than a fridge-freezer combo, cowpooling probably isn't going to work out for you.

There are a couple of reasons you might want to consider cowpooling:

  1. Buying Local: There certainly is something to be said for buying locally. Not only do you support your local farmer, but you also support your local butcher and your local meat packer. Not bad, ey?

  2. Keeping Control: Want to avoid purchasing hormone-laden, antibiotic-fed beef or make sure that the beef you're buying comes from a happy cow? Cowpooling allows you to shop around for a local farmer that can accommodate your request.

  3. Health Helper: You've heard the horror stories about people ingesting contaminated beef, but purchasing a side of beef - as opposed to the composites of meat sold in grocery stores - significantly reduces the risk of cross-contamination.

  4. Wallet-friendly: Ok, we'll be honest here - sometimes it is more expensive to cowpool than it is to purchase meat from your supermarket, especially if you're a whiz at clipping coupons and shopping the sale section! However, in today's economy, where the cost of food can fluctuate so drastically, it is nice to purchase enough meat to last you a few months at a flat rate.

Call or email us! We'll be happy to walk you through it.
You'll want to consider how much meat you want to purchase. Cowpooling doesn't have to necessarily mean that you buy the whole steer. Rather, your cowpool can choose to purchase a side (or half a steer in laymans terms!) or even a quarter and then split it up among your fellow poolers. Essentially, you've got to look at your storage capacity, examine your own meat eating needs and then work with your group to come up with a purchasing situation that will suit everyone.

The final step?
Get cookin'!


Order All Natural Family Farm Raised Beef at www.creekbedfarm.com

Title and Background Graphics by : Peddler Graphics : www.peddlergraphics.com